Strength Laboratory is the division of the Department for Strength of Materials, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research - Polish Academy of Sciences. Strength Laboratory is divided into three units:
Dynamic Testing and Creep Laboratory Dynamic Testing and Creep Laboratory is equipped with following testing facilities:
± 100 kN, Two creep machines for complex stress testing (tension - torsion on tubular specimens) in the temperatures up to 1200° C, Creep machine for complex stress testing (biaxial tension on cruciform specimens) in the temperatures up to 500° C.
Fatigue and Fracture Laboratory Fatigue and Fracture Toughness Laboratory is equipped with two servohydraulic testing systems:
Uniaxial testing machine MTS 810 with digital control system, loading specimen in the range ± 250 kN, Biaxial testing machine MTS 858 for complex stress testing, loading tubular or solid-section specimen with the axial load ± 25 kN and torque in the range ± 200 Nm equipped with digital control system.
Materials and Components Strength Laboratory In the Materials and Construction Components Strength Laboratory following testing facilities are located:
Servohydraulic, uniaxial testing system INSTRON 1251 with analogue controller and load capacity ± 100 kN, Servohydraulic, multiaxial testing system INSTRON 1343, loading specimen with axial force ± 100 kN, torque ± 1000 Nm and pressure up to 500 bar. This system is controlled digitally that allows performing wide range of static and quasi-dynamic tests on materials and construction components. Equipment for measurements of residual stresses by the hole-drilling strain gage method according to ASTM E837 standard.